CoSTEM STARS(学生取得和达到成功)师生指导计划
About the Program
CoSTEM STARS计划帮助指导学生的学术和专业成长 through mentoring. 指导不仅能确保学业和职业上的成功,而且 同时培养学生之间的友谊,并提供一个鼓励学生表达的平台 their voices. 它支持学生寻找满足个人需求的资源 goals. 对辅导的投资可以提高幸福感、学位完成率和 success! 这是一个有意的非正式的努力,以帮助建立学院关系 between faculty mentors and students. Faculty mentors can offer students the following benefits:
Academic Expertise
- 为提高学习成绩提供切实可行的建议
- supporting your commitment to learning
- 鼓励你讨论和分享你的学术问题和头脑风暴的解决方案
- 帮助你设定切合实际的目标,并制定实现目标的策略
- 帮助你批判性地思考你的长期愿望和目标
Career Guidance
- examining career options related to your field of study
- 帮助你反思实现目标所需的能力
- strategizing the quickest route to career success
- 帮助你与你的职业领域的专业人士建立联系
- 帮助你设定切合实际的职业目标,并制定出实现这些目标的策略
Psychosocial Support
- listening to your concerns
- providing moral support
- identifying and addressing problems
- connecting you with support services
- providing encouragement
How the Program Works
你可以从现有的导师或教员中选择你所选择的任何教员 导师会亲自为你配对,帮助你应对任何挑战 在你实现学业和职业目标的过程中遇到. Your mentor may be a faculty member in your major. Or you may ask any instructor that you have rapport with. Don’t be shy! The faculty member that you approach with a mentorship request will feel honored that you asked! Sometimes, due to a heavy workload, a faculty 会员可能无法与您签订指导协议. Don’t be offended. 那个教练应该能帮你找到另一个合适的人选. We welcome and 感谢您成为这个自愿项目的一部分,它为您提供了访问权限 to faculty who care about your academic and career success.
Meet the Mentors
Dr. Cody Covington is an instructor in the department of chemistry. His research interests are in computational chemistry and physics. 他的爱好包括乒乓球,弹班卓琴,3d打印, electronics, and Smash Bros. He has a ping pong table outside of his office and brags that he has never been beaten by a student. Student Focus:
Dr. Manisha Gupte 是理学院生物系的助理教授, Technology, Engineering and Math. As a graduate student at the University of Kentucky, Dr. Gupte studied the effect of obesity on blood pressure. In her post-graduate work 在范德比尔特大学,她研究了肥胖对心脏病和心脏病的影响 diabetes. 她教授人体解剖学和生理学、普通生物学和细胞生物学 Molecular Biology. 她的研究兴趣为肥胖、心力衰竭和糖尿病. Student Focus:
Dr. Anuradha Pathiranage is a Chemistry Assistant Professor. She teaches organic and general chemistry. 她的研究领域包括有机合成、药物化学和天然产物提取 with undergraduate students. Student Focus:
Dr. Emmabeth Vaughn 是物理、工程和天文系的助理教授. 在加入Austin Peay之前,她在工业界担任产品开发工程师 for Firestone Building Products. 主要研究方向为高分子物理、纳米粒子等 diffusion, and engineering education. She is kept busy outside of school by her husband and two small children. Student Focus:
Dr. Allen Chaparadza is a Chemistry Associate Professor. 在来到奥斯汀皮伊州立大学之前,他曾任教于莱恩学院和圣. Scholastica. 他教授发酵科学、通用、物理和材料化学. 他的研究兴趣是影响材料的基本问题和挑战 用于化学传感器、环境修复、生物材料和金属基质 nanocomposites for structural reinforcement. Student Focus:
Dr. Gilbert Pitts |
Dr. Leslie Hiatt
如果你对这个项目感兴趣,想了解更多信息或申请, please fill out the form below.
Frequently Asked Questions
指导是一种建立在信任基础上的关系,由更有经验的人来指导 并帮助经验不足的人进行教育或职业发展. The role 教师导师的职责是在你学习的过程中给予鼓励和指导 college career. 导师会帮助你设定目标,并找到实现目标的途径和动力 achieve them.
Mentors help students develop and achieve goals. These goals can focus on personal 成长,职业准备,或成功转到另一个大学项目. Mentoring helps you become the best version of yourself.
365bet的CoSTEM STARS项目促进了以下方面的指导关系 ways:
- Assisting with matching students and faculty members
- 为职业关系提供一个框架,鼓励设定目标 and personal growth
- Training faculty to effectively assist their mentees
- 与辅导员协调,确保为学生提供最好的建议
- Assist students with forming realistic goals
- Provide advice on course selection and transfer
- Direct students to campus and community resources
- Monitor students’ interests and academic progress
- Understand opportunities for scholarships and internships
- Review students’ resume, portfolio, and interview skills
- Discuss career options and paths to achieve success
- 与顾问合作,为学生提供及时、准确的信息
导师资格要求:具有教学经验的合格教员 或者有教学资格和教学经验的工作人员.
要成为导师,教师需要参加一个教师指导培训课程. 培训课程将在整个学年公布.
Please contact Dr. Allen Chaparadza at if you have any questions.